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영어회화 일상 다이얼로그 - 25가지 상황별 영어 표현 모음

by notedesk 2024. 6. 3.

1. 인사 및 소개





    Hello, 저는 엘리엇이에요. 오늘은 영어회화 일상 다이얼로그 시리즈 중 첫 번째 주제로 "인사 및 소개"를 다뤄보려고 해요. 일상생활에서 자연스럽게 사용할 수 있는 다양한 표현을 준비했답니다. 함께 살펴볼까요?
    • Hi, how are you? - 안녕, 어떻게 지내?
    • Hey, nice to meet you! - 안녕, 만나서 반가워!
    • Hello there, I"m Sarah. - 안녕하세요, 저는 사라에요.
    • Good morning, my name is David. - 좋은 아침, 내 이름은 데이비드야.
    • Hey, what"s up? I"m Chris. - 안녕, 뭐해? 나는 크리스야.
    이렇게 다양한 상황에서 활용할 수 있는 인사 및 소개 표현들을 소개해봤어요. 다음 시리즈에서는 더 다양한 주제로 돌아오겠습니다. 함께 공부해요!



    2. 가족과의 대화





    • 안녕하세요, 어머니. 오늘 무엇을 해요?
    • 아빠, 목요일에는 일찍 집에 오시네요. 왜죠?
    • 할머니와 할아버지, 주말에 가족들과 즐거운 시간을 보내요.
    • 동생, 내일 친구들과 놀러가려면 방 청소를 잘 해야 해요.
    • 조카들, 이번 주말에 스케이트 보드 타러 가실 거예요.



    3. 일상 생활 속 영어 표현





    • Wake up: 일어나다
    • Make breakfast: 아침 식사 준비를 하다
    • Commute to work: 출근하다
    • Take a lunch break: 점심 시간을 갖다
    • Attend a meeting: 회의에 참석하다
    • Finish work: 일이 끝나다
    • Exercise at the gym: 헬스장에서 운동하다
    • Meet friends for dinner: 친구들과 저녁 식사를 하다
    • Watch TV shows: TV 프로그램을 시청하다
    • Read a book: 책을 읽다
    • Go to bed: 잠자리에 들다



    4. 친구와의 약속





    • 친구: Hey, are we still on for our movie night this Friday?
    • 나: Of course! I"m really looking forward to it.
    • 친구: Great! Should we meet at the theater at 7 PM?
    • 나: Sounds good to me. See you there!
    • 친구: Hey, I might be a bit late. Can you save us seats?
    • 나: No problem, I"ll make sure to get good seats for us.
    • 친구: Thanks a lot! You"re the best.



    5. 쇼핑 가기 전 대화





    • Tom: I"m thinking about going shopping this weekend. Do you want to come along?
    • Lisa: Sure, sounds like fun! What are you looking to buy?
    • Tom: I need a new pair of shoes and maybe a few shirts.
    • Lisa: Great, I could use some new clothes too.
    • Tom: Let"s meet at the mall around noon. How does that sound?
    • Lisa: Perfect! I"ll see you there.



    6. 레스토랑에서 주문하기





    • 예약을 했어요. - I made a reservation.
    • 메뉴판 주세요. - Could I have the menu, please?
    • 저는 이것 주문할게요. - I"ll have this, please.
    • 얼마인가요? - How much is this?
    • 차를 한 잔 주세요. - Can I have a cup of tea, please?
    • 조금 더 토마토를 주세요. - Could I have a little more tomato, please?
    • 맛있었어요. - It was delicious.



    7. 여행 계획하기





    • When is the best time to visit the destination? Weather is a key factor to consider.
    • What accommodation options are available? Hotel, hostel, or Airbnb?
    • How will you get around at the destination? Public transportation or rental car?
    • Are there any must-see attractions that you want to include in your itinerary?
    • Have you checked the visa requirements for the country you plan to visit?
    • Do you need to book tickets in advance for any activities or attractions?
    • What is your budget for the trip? Accommodation, transportation, and food costs should be included.



    8. 비상 상황 대처





    • Call 119 for fire emergencies.
    • If you"re in immediate danger, find a safe place and call for help.
    • Evacuate calmly and follow the emergency exit signs in buildings.
    • During a medical emergency, call 119 and give clear information about the situation.
    • If someone is injured, apply basic first aid while waiting for professional help.
    • In case of a natural disaster, listen to official instructions and act accordingly.



    9. 영어 기초 회화 표현





    • Excuse me, do you speak English?
    • Can you speak slowly, please?
    • I don"t understand. Could you repeat that?
    • How do you say this in English?
    • What does this word mean?
    • Can you help me with my pronunciation?
    • Sorry, I didn"t catch that. One more time, please?
    • How do you spell that?
    • Can you write it down for me?



    10. 추억 공유하기





    • 부모님과의 첫 해외 여행: "Remember when we traveled abroad with our parents for the first time?
    • 고등학교 졸업식: "I still can"t believe how emotional our high school graduation ceremony was."
    • 첫 사랑과의 데이트: "The memories of our first date with our first love will always hold a special place in our hearts."
    • 졸업 여행: "That graduation trip we took together was truly unforgettable."
    • 친구들과의 캠프 파이어: "The campfire moments we shared with our friends will forever be etched in our minds."